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Build custom delegate images using Dockerfile

You can use the Harness Delegate Dockerfile to build custom delegate images. The Dockerfile is available in the delegate Dockerfile repository.

The repository includes the Dockerfile-minimal and Dockerfile-ubuntu versions.


If you build and use custom images, you can choose to enable or disable automatic upgrades for Kubernetes delegates. To learn more about automatic upgrades with custom images, go to Use automatic upgrade with custom delegate images.

For more information on delegate automatic upgrades and the delegate expiration policy, go to Delegate automatic upgrades and expiration policy.

Dockerfile tools

You can include third party tools with your delegate when you use the delegate Dockerfile. The image includes default tools. For a list of default tools and their versions, go to the delegate Dockerfile repository.


While building custom delegate if you are not using delegate as base image example then please ensure that you always package scm binary like below

RUN mkdir -m 777 -p client-tools/scm/<SCM_VERSION> \
&& curl -f -s -L -o client-tools/scm/<SCM_VERSION>/scm<SCM_VERSION>/bin/linux/$TARGETARCH/scm

SCM_VERSION should be coming from our delegate to scm version mapping

Example: If you're using delegate version 24.08.83705 then you should use scm version a81c96813, which gives below command

mkdir -m 777 -p client-tools/scm/a81c96813 \
&& curl -f -s -L -o client-tools/scm/a81c96813/scm$TARGETARCH/scm


Use Dockerfile-minimal to create delegate images without tools. This image includes only the SCM client tool.


Use Dockerfile-ubuntu to create Ubuntu-based delegate images. This image includes all the same tools as the default Dockerfile.


You can also replace the existing tools with your preferred CI/CD tools.

Build the image

To build the image, you need two arguments:

  1. TARGETARCH (amd64/arm64)
  2. The delegate build version

The build version to use for your account is available in the Harness API documentation.

To learn about delegate version support expiration, go to Delegate expiration policy.

Here is an example script to get the version, which uses curl to fetch and jq to parse:

latest_version=$(curl -X GET '<YOUR_ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER>' -H 'x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>')

# Extract the build version using jq and string manipulation
build_version=$(echo $latest_version | jq -r '.resource.latestSupportedVersion' | cut -d '.' -f 3)

# Print the build version
echo $build_version

To build your custom image, use the build_version from above and the applicable command below:


docker build -t {TAG} -f Dockerfile --build-arg TARGETARCH=amd64 --build-arg DELEGATEVERSION=<version_from_previous_step>


docker build -t {TAG} -f Dockerfile-minimal --build-arg TARGETARCH=amd64 --build-arg DELEGATEVERSION=<version_from_previous_step>

Build a custom image with non-root access that includes custom certificates

If the delegate cannot run the delegate container as a root user but requires a custom CA, you can add custom CA bundle files to the delegate image and run a script on the files.

The script ensures that your CA certificates are:

  • Added to the delegate's Java truststore located at $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts.
  • Added to the Red Hat OS trust store.
  • Applied to Harness CI, STO, and delegate pipelines.

To build your custom delegate image, do the following:

  1. Add all of your CA certificates to a local directory.

  2. Add the lines below to your delegate Dockerfile after the RUN curl -s -L -o delegate.jar $BASEURL/$DELEGATEVERSION/delegate.jar line and before the USER 1001 line because root access is required to run the script. Replace the directory paths with your local directory locations.

    USER root

    RUN curl -s -L -o delegate.jar $BASEURL/$DELEGATEVERSION/delegate.jar


    RUN bash -c "/opt/harness-delegate/ <PATH_TO_DIRECTORY_OF_CERTS_IN_THE_CONTAINER>"

    USER 1001

    This copies all the certificates from the local ./my-custom-ca directory to /opt/harness-delegate/my-ca-bundle/ directory inside the container.


    Don't copy your certificates to the folder /opt/harness-delegate/ca-bundle folder. This folder is reserved for storing additional certificates to install the delegate. For more information, go to Install with custom certificates.

    Set the user to root before you run the script. Then set the user back to normal access after you run the script.

  3. Run the script.

  4. Build your custom image.


You can use the released delegate image as your base image. You can also use OS images like UBI or Ubuntu as a base to build a delegate image with custom certs.

Use the released delegate image


USER root

# This is only needed for running Harness CI module

# Please take the source scripts from this GitHub repo
RUN curl -o


RUN bash -c "/opt/harness-delegate/ <PATH_TO_DIRECTORY_OF_CERTS_IN_THE_CONTAINER>"

USER 1001

CMD [ "./" ]

Use a UBI base image

# Copyright 2022 Harness Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by the PolyForm Free Trial 1.0.0 license
# that can be found in the licenses directory at the root of this repository, also available at

FROM redhat/ubi8-minimal:8.8

LABEL name="harness/delegate-minimal" \
vendor="Harness" \

RUN microdnf update --nodocs --setopt=install_weak_deps=0 \
&& microdnf install --nodocs \
procps \
hostname \
lsof \
findutils \
tar \
gzip \
shadow-utils \
glibc-langpack-en \
&& useradd -u 1001 -g 0 harness \
&& microdnf remove shadow-utils \
&& microdnf clean all \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/yum \
&& mkdir -p /opt/harness-delegate/

COPY immutable-scripts /opt/harness-delegate/

WORKDIR /opt/harness-delegate


COPY --from=eclipse-temurin:17.0.7_7-jre-ubi9-minimal /opt/java/openjdk/ /opt/java/openjdk/
ENV JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/openjdk/

RUN mkdir -m 777 -p client-tools/scm/93b3c9f1 \
&& curl -s -L -o client-tools/scm/93b3c9f1/scm$TARGETARCH/scm \
&& chmod -R 775 /opt/harness-delegate \
&& chown -R 1001 /opt/harness-delegate \
&& chown -R 1001 $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts
RUN mkdir -p /opt/harness-delegate/additional_certs_pem_split

ENV HOME=/opt/harness-delegate
ENV SHARED_CA_CERTS_PATH=/opt/harness-delegate/additional_certs_pem_split

RUN curl -s -L -o delegate.jar $BASEURL/$DELEGATEVERSION/delegate.jar


RUN bash -c "/opt/harness-delegate/ <PATH_TO_DIRECTORY_OF_CERTS_IN_THE_CONTAINER>"

USER 1001

CMD [ "./" ]
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