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What's supported

Self-Managed Enterprise Edition allows organizations to leverage nearly all Harness modules and features available on Harness SaaS, ensuring a powerful and flexible on-premises experience.

This section provides a clear overview of the Supported features, integrations, and capabilities available in the system.

Supported Modules

For more details on the supported features of other Harness modules, visit Harness Supported platforms and technologies.

Supported Features

The table below outlines the key features supported in the Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition.

Cloud Platform
  • EKS
  • GKE
  • AKS
  • External Databases
  • MongoDB
  • MinIO
  • TimeScaleDB
  • Postgres
  • NoSQL
  • High availability(HA)Yes
    Disaster Recovery (DR)Active-Passive
    Backup and RestoreVelero
  • Istio/Nginx
  • Monitoring
  • Prometheus.
  • Grafana.
  • Air-gappedYes
    FIPS-enabled K8SNo

    Supported Kubernetes versions

    Kubernetes VersionSupportedNotes
  • 1.30
  • YesStarting with EKS 1.30 (AWS), the support for default annotation on the storage class has been removed. For Harness to work, please update your overrides to include the storageClassName (gp2, gp3, etc) by updating the following values:

        storageClass: "gp3"
        storageClassName: "gp3"
  • 1.29
  • Yes
  • 1.28
  • Yes
  • 1.27
  • Yes

    Supported functionality

    Kubernetes Networking

    • Istio supported version: 1.15.3 to 1.24.2
    • NGINX supported version: v1.3.0

    Terms of support

    The support policy is 12 months of full support, followed by 6 months of limited support for critical security fixes only.

    Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition does not introduce changes that break compatibility with supported versions of Kubernetes. For example, Self-Managed Enterprise Edition does not use features from Kubernetes version n that do not work in Kubernetes version n-2.

    Installation and upgrade preflight checks provide warnings when you use unsupported Kubernetes versions.

    In cases where you encounter a problem related to an incompatibility issue, you must upgrade your cluster. Harness does not issue a patch to accommodate the use of unsupported Kubernetes versions.