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State Migration

This topic describes how you can migrate and import your infrastructure state into Harness workspaces with the IaCM migration tool. Go to OpenTofu backend configuration to find out how to configure your remote backend.


Every workspace you create will be created inside a specified project, so you should:

  • Ensure you have an existing Harness project.
  • Configure any connectors within that project before passing their values to your migration variables file.

Migration phases

Harness IaCM migration is built in three phases to grant control over your configuration and imported state.

  1. Prepare your configured workspaces locally.
  2. Apply your new workspaces and import them to Harness.
  3. Import your infrastructure state into your new workspaces.
Sample Terraform file

The following sample Terraform file sets a remote AWS S3 backend and a single AWS resource.

environment variables

In this case, your S3 bucket, key, and region can be set as workspace environment variables.

terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "migration-demo"
key = "terraform.tfstate"
region = "us-east-1"

provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"

resource "aws_instance" "app1" {
instance_type = var.instance.type
ami = "ami-0bb7d64eeag57c9a9"
tags = {
"team" = "app-team"
"costcentre" = "engineering"
confirm resources

Ensure your AWS S3 bucket contains the above resources to prevent errors during the migration steps.

Prepare your local migration state

The migration tool utilizes a file to set default variables that can be shared across multiple new workspaces. You can define these variables and list your new workspaces in a list (step 2 below).

Create workspace configurations for each Terraform state file in your project with the following steps:

  1. Clone or fork the IaCM migration repository:
    • Clone with: git clone
    • Fork via:
  2. Create and new <filename>.tfvars file in the local repository, see the Sample tfvars file below for an example.
  3. In your terminal, cd to your repository directory and run:
    • terraform apply -refresh=true -var-file=<filename>.tfvars.
    • This will run the terraform plan command, list your proposed changes, and ask you to confirm if you want to perform these actions.
  4. Type yes and press enter.
generated out folder

Once the apply command completes, an out folder is generated within your repository with your new file listing your new Harness workspaces along with a new pipeline with a migration step that will pull the state from your remote backend and securely stores it in your Harness project.

Sample tfvars file

The following tfvars file example consists of configurations for two new workspaces with default project parameters and connectors.

account_id = "<harness-account-id>"
org = "<harness-org>"
project = "<harness-project>"
default_provisioner_type = "terraform"
default_provisioner_version = "1.5.7"
default_cost_estimation_enabled = true
default_provider_connector = "<cloud-provider-connector-name>"
default_repository_connector = "<git-repo-connector-name>"
workspaces = [
identifier = "workspace_demo_1"
repository = "<repo-directory>"
repository_path = "migration-demo-1"
repository_branch = "<repo-branch>"
terraform_variables = [
key = "instance_type"
value = "t2.micro"
value_type = "string"
identifier = "workspace_demo_2"
repository = "<repo-directory>"
repository_path = "migration-demo-2"
repository_branch = "<repo-branch>"
terraform_variables = [
key = "instance_type"
value = "t2.micro"
value_type = "string"

Create your new workspaces

Now that your workspaces and state are confirmed in your local environment:

  1. In your terminal, cd to the out folder and export your Harness API key.
    • export HARNESS_PLATFORM_API_KEY=<your-harness-api-key>.
  2. Run terraform init, then run terraform apply.
  3. Confirm your new resources have been added to your Harness account.

Import state

  1. Navigate to, and run your new migration pipeline.
  2. Select the workspace you want to import your state to.
  3. Your migration pipeline will import your infrastructure state into Harness based on the parameters passed from your <filename>.tfvars file earlier.

Confirm your imported state

  1. Navigate to the workspace you ran the migration pipeline against.
  2. Select the State tab and confirm that your state has been imported.
  3. Repeat the import steps for each new workspace.