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Provision Resources During Deployment

Create a single pipeline to provision or update resources during deployment. Here's how to set it up:

Pipeline Stages Overview

  • IaCM Stage: This stage provisions or updates resources, setting the groundwork for your deployment.
  • CD Stage: This stage uses the resources provisioned in the IaCM stage to deploy your application.

Go to CD steps, stages, and strategies for information about CD stages.

Passing Variables Between Stages

You can pass variables from an IaCM pipeline to a CD stage. For example, pass the Kubernetes namespace as a value.

After executing a pipeline, select the Apply step to view all OpenTofu/Terraform outputs as output expressions. Copy these for use in subsequent steps or stages, even across different pipelines.


Example of Passing a Variable: To use the "bucket_name" as an input, copy the current value or the path to the variables. This ensures the value is fetched at runtime:


Example of how to pass a variable

Explore additional options like IaCM approval steps and Pull Request Automation to enhance your workflows.