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Save and Restore Cache from Azure

You can use the Cache plugin in your CI pipelines to save and retrieve cached data from Azure storage.


You can't share access credentials or other Text Secrets across stages.


You need:

  • Access to Azure storage.
  • A CI pipeline where you want to use Azure caching.

Add save and restore cache steps

To use the Cache plugin for Azure caching, you use Plugin steps.

You must use separate Plugin steps to save and restore the cache.

Determine cache step placement

Where you place the save and restore steps depends on how you use caching in your pipeline:

  • Caching in one stage: Place the restore cache step before the save cache step.
  • Caching across multiple stages: Place the save cache step in the stage where you create the data you want to cache, and then place the restore cache step in the stage where you want to load the previously-cached data.

Restore Azure cache

To restore a cache from Azure, add a Plugin step that uses the cache plugin, for example:

              - step:
type: Plugin
name: restore cache from Azure
identifier: restore_cache_from_Azure
connectorRef: account.harnessImage ## Specify a Docker connector to pull the plugin image.
image: plugins/cache ## Must be 'plugins/cache'. This is the Cache plugin image.
restore: true ## You must include 'restore: true' to use the Cache plugin to restore a cache.
cache_key: <+pipeline.variables.AZURE_CONTAINER>/<+pipeline.identifier>/{{ .Commit.Branch }}-{{ checksum "<+pipeline.variables.BUILD_PATH>/build.gradle" }} ## Specify the Azure container and the identifier of the cache to restore. Review notes about this setting below.
archive_format: gzip ## Specify the archive format.
mount: ## Provide paths to directories to restore.
- <+pipeline.variables.GRADLE_HOME>/caches/
region: <+pipeline.variables.REGION> ## The Azure bucket region
account_key: <+pipeline.variables.AZURE_KEY> ## Azure token to access the bucket
account_name: <+pipeline.variables.AZURE_BLOB_ACCOUNT> ## Azure bucket name
backend: azure ## Hardcoded backend type

Harness recommends storing sensitive values, such as tokens, as Harness secrets. You can then use Harness expressions to reference these secrets, such as <+secrets.getValue("azure_key")>.


When using the cache plugin to restore an Azure cache, the cache_key is the Azure container and the identifier of the cache to restore. Note the following additional information about this setting:

  • The cache plugin can accept a blob_container_name value; however, this is not needed because the Azure container name is referenced in the cache_key.
  • For pipelines stored in Git repos, the cache plugin attempts to find an Azure container named after your Git repo.
  • For the cache identifier, you can use a checksum for a build tool or a static identifier. Usually the identifier is some form of a variable value based on the build number or a checksum.
  • This example uses stage variables to populate parts of the cache key:
<+pipeline.variables.AZURE_CONTAINER>/<+pipeline.identifier>/{{ .Commit.Branch }}-{{ checksum "<+pipeline.variables.BUILD_PATH>/build.gradle" }}

Save Azure cache

To save a cache to Azure, add a Plugin step that uses the cache plugin, for example:

              - step:
type: Plugin
name: save cache to Azure
identifier: save_cache_to_Azure
connectorRef: account.harnessImage ## Specify a Docker connector to pull the plugin image.
image: plugins/cache ## Must be 'plugins/cache'. This is the Cache plugin image.
rebuild: true ## You must include 'rebuild: true' to use the Cache plugin to save a cache.
cache_key: <+pipeline.variables.AZURE_CONTAINER>/<+pipeline.identifier>/{{ .Commit.Branch }}-{{ checksum "<+pipeline.variables.BUILD_PATH>/build.gradle" }} ## Specify the Azure container and the identifier of the cache to save. Review notes about this setting below.
archive_format: gzip ## Specify the archive format.
mount: ## Provide paths to directories to cache relative to the workspace root '/harness'. You must add 'sharedPaths' for cache locations outside the stage workspace.
- <+pipeline.variables.GRADLE_HOME>/caches/
region: <+pipeline.variables.REGION> ## The Azure bucket region
account_key: <+pipeline.variables.AZURE_KEY> ## Azure token to access the bucket
account_name: <+pipeline.variables.AZURE_BLOB_ACCOUNT> ## Azure bucket name
backend: azure ## Hardcoded backend type

Harness recommends storing sensitive values, such as tokens, as Harness secrets. You can then use Harness expressions to reference these secrets, such as <+secrets.getValue("azure_key")>.


When using the cache plugin to save an Azure cache, the cache_key is the Azure container and the identifier of the cache to save. Note the following additional information about this setting:

  • The cache plugin can accept a blob_container_name value; however, this is not needed because the Azure container name is referenced in the cache_key.
  • For pipelines stored in Git repos, the cache plugin attempts to find an Azure container named after your Git repo.
  • For the cache identifier, you can use a checksum for a build tool or a static identifier. Usually the identifier is some form of a variable value based on the build number or a checksum.
  • This example uses stage variables to populate parts of the cache key:
<+pipeline.variables.AZURE_CONTAINER>/<+pipeline.identifier>/{{ .Commit.Branch }}-{{ checksum "<+pipeline.variables.BUILD_PATH>/build.gradle" }}

Set shared paths for cache locations outside the stage workspace

In a Harness pipeline, all steps in a given stage share the same workspace, which is /harness.

If your steps need to use data in locations outside the root workspace, you must add these as shared paths.


Shared paths are required if you want to cache directories outside /harness.

For example:

- stage:
- /example/path # Directory outside workspace to share between stages

Use stage variables (optional)

The cache plugin requires several settings, including secrets and other sensitive values. You might find it useful to provide these values through stage variables, rather than placing the literal values directly in the Plugin steps.

These examples use Gradle. Your variables and values might differ depending on your build tool, caching needs, and where you choose to use variables.

type: String
description: "Used in the cache key. Specifies the container within the bucket."
value: somecontainer
type: String
description: "Azure account name."
value: someaccount
- name: REGION
type: String
description: "Azure bucket location."
value: us-west-2
- name: AZURE_KEY
type: String
description: "Reference a Harness text secret containing your Azure account key."
value: <+secrets.getValue("azureblobkey")>
type: String
description: "Used in mount path. Build-specific Gradle home location and the child cache folder beneath."
value: /harness/gradle
- name: BUILD_PATH
type: String
description: "Used in the cache key checksum. Optional path to build.gradle within a Git repo."
value: gradle-examples/some-gradle-examples

Pipeline YAML example

Here's an example of a pipeline that builds and tests a Go app. It includes steps to restore and save a cache to Azure storage.

- stage:
identifier: testgo
type: CI
name: testGo
description: ""
cloneCodebase: true
os: Linux
arch: Amd64
type: Cloud
spec: {}
- step:
identifier: go_env
type: Run
name: go env
shell: Sh
command: go env
- step:
identifier: setupgo
type: Action
name: Setup Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v4
go-version: 1.21.x
timeout: ""
- step:
identifier: Azure_restore_cache
type: Plugin
name: Azure restore cache
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: plugins/cache
backend: azure
restore: true
account_key: <+secrets.getValue("azureblobkey")>
account_name: azureAccountName
archive_format: gzip
region: westus2
- /home/harness/.cache/go-build
- /home/harness/go/pkg/mod
cache_key: "<+pipeline.identifier>/cache-{{ .Commit.Branch }}-{{\
\ checksum \"go.mod\" }}-{{ checksum \"go.sum\" }}"
- step:
identifier: rununittests
type: Run
name: Run unit tests
command: |-
export PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin:$PATH
go install
go test -v ./... -coverprofile cover.out | tee report.out
cat report.out | go-junit-report -set-exit-code > report.xml
type: JUnit
- report.xml
- step:
identifier: debug
type: Run
name: debug
shell: Sh
command: |-
go env
ls /home/harness/.cache/go-build
ls /home/harness/go/pkg/mod
- step:
identifier: Azure_write_cache
type: Plugin
name: Azure write cache
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: plugins/cache
rebuild: true
cache_key: "<+pipeline.identifier>/cache-{{ .Commit.Branch }}-{{\
\ checksum \"go.mod\" }}-{{ checksum \"go.sum\" }}"
archive_format: gzip
- /home/harness/.cache/go-build
- /home/harness/go/pkg/mod
region: westus2
account_key: <+secrets.getValue("azureblobkey")>
account_name: azureAccountName
backend: azure
- /home/harness

Cache step logs

When you run a pipeline with caching steps, you can observe and review build logs on the Build details page.

Troubleshoot caching

Go to the CI Knowledge Base for questions and issues related to caching, data sharing, dependency management, workspaces, shared paths, and more. For example:

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